Wednesday 31 August 2011

summer sketch derp

My posts are few and long in between...
This Summer has been a massive art block....This is all I have to show for this Summer. T u T
Oh, but I am buying an Intuos4, so that will be fun. : D

 And I guess I'll end off with a derp drawing because I'm bored and perverted.


  1. Your sketches are so soooo prettyyy ;u; they look so idk artistic??? ahaha;;

    Can't wait to see your digital stuff!

  2. Thanks!! haha~ I also can't wait to get that tablet!!!

  3. I want to have babies with your art D8 Everything is just so pertyyy :> ♥

  4. Nashi, have babies with Shiki. Unleash your little sadistic seme babies upon the world~ :D
