Thursday, 8 September 2011

Richmond Hill Cosplay Competition

I participated in a cosplay contest near the end of August. I'm cosplaying Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere. Above is a picture from the 30 second photoshoot the York BBS organizers took for each of the contestants.
There were two parts: a performance based contest do be judged on the day of, and an online contest based on votes.
 People could comment and vote anonymously on contestants' profiles so the online portion was pretty nasty. Some contestants got some pretty rude comments about their costume, face, body etc...including myself! haha!
But, the contest on the day of was a great experience. I met a lot of cool cosplayers and had a lot of fun. Oh, and I placed third. fufufufu.
I still haven't gotten good shots of this cosplay yet, so I'll think I'll get that done at the Fall Hallows cosplay photoshoot. If you're in Toronto, or close by, you should come too! It'll be fun!


  1. What a beautiful cosplay! *//A//*

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    Greetings! <3

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